Blue Nose Pitbull Puppies for Sale in Texas

pitbull muscle building


Mr Pitbull has earned the reputation as a name you can trust. We breed only the best quality Blue Pit Bulls and carefully plan each breeding with you in mind. Some breeders make the mistake of breeding after ridiculous trends and physical features; BIG MISTAKE! Breeding sound healthy Blue AMERICAN PITBULL PUPPIES is my first priority. And although with any living thing there is no guarantee that it will be forever healthy, free of defect, I consider the health worthiness of both parents before any breeding, matching only the soundest dogs.


Howdy partner! Just a quick shout out to all my friends from Texas. Anyone who knows anything about Texas, knows that Texas is famous for Longhorns and Pitbulls! Of course that is not to take away anything from Cowboys wearing Spurs. And of course there is always a Maverick or two to be found along with quite a few Texans. Just Keep an eye open for those Rangers. And while you're keeping your eyes open, if you look up, you may even see a few Rockets and even a few Astros. But I regress...

Huge Pitbulls

Understanding which type of dogs will do well in the hot Texas heat, one must understand how a dog cools itself. Unlike people, dogs do not sweat. When a human gets hot, the body's natural defenses kick in causing us to sweat. The evaporation of the moisture on our skin works to cool the body and keep us from overheating. This is not the case with a dog. A dog cools itself by panting. If you have ever noted a dog that is hot, it will be panting with it's mouth hung open. Dogs with long noses, have more cooling abilities and are able to endure the Texas sun, whereas a dog with a short muzzle is not able to. For this reason, airlines have restrictions for flying dogs with short muzzles in unconditioned cargo holds. Therefore, when picking out a Pitbull Puppy for Texas, you will want to stay away from Pitbulls with the short muzzle that is popular today. I cannot over-emphasize how important this is.
As a nationally recognized authority on everything Pitbull related, I get dozens of emails everyday from People in Dallas, Houston, San Antonio and places afar, seeking information and help with their dogs. You will enjoy reading such correspondence in my ASK MR PITBULL ANYTHING feature. Of course if you are from Texas or elsewhere and need advice or help with your Puppy, feel free to email me; I look forward to hearing from you and offering you assistance if I am indeed able. So too, many people enjoy reading my PITBULL TRAINING pages where I identify some of the proven techniques I use to train my ddogs.


cute brown puppy


People ask me all the time how they can make their dog look like a Mr Pitbull brand dog. They think that by feeding a certain diet and by a certain regiment or workout routine that they can make their dog look like mine. That is never going to happen, anymore than one could eat more and grow to be 7' tall. Today the definition of the Pitbull terrier is changing. That change is due to genetics. I am an expert at pairing specially selected, top of the line dogs, chosen for their unique attributes. Mr Pitbull brand AMERICAN BULLY PITBULLS , are rewriting the standard of the breed.

It can be a challenge to find quality Kennels in San Angelo and near the Rio Grande that you can trust. And that is why I would like to mention exactly what you will note different here at Every single utterance and every bit of information and every piece of advice is based upon my own personal experience. I have had years of experience raising, breeding and whelping 100's of puppies, of which I delight in sharing with you. I am confident that after considering all the facts and looking at my dogs, that you will agree, there are no kennels in the Pan Handle, El Paso, Abilene or anywhere else in Texas that can match the Mr Pitbull quality.


No one selling puppies in Corpus Christi, Lubbock or even Amarillo offers the Selection of Razors Edge Pitbulls than we do. We have the best selection of Razor's Edge in The Lone Star State and perhaps the world. We also have Gottiline and REMYLINE . Many who are looking for Razor Edge in Texas, have found our Kennel to the right choice for a quality pet.

pitbull muscle building


One thing I find interesting in regards the many Kennels in Texas, are the vast number of XXL Pitbull Kennels. I don't know of any other place in the States where the XXL variety has found heightened interest. I guess things really are bigger in Texas! A lot of young folks are drawn to the premise that the bigger the dog the bigger his status or toughness is. I suppose that could be argued. In any event, Mr Pitbull does not breed the XXL variety of Pitbull because, as a general rule large size dogs experience more health issues and do not live as long. Personally, I have seen very few XXL pits that are built correctly.

stocky big bully pitbull

Texas has long been a hotbed of Pitbull fanciers and Pitbull kennels. Numerous kennels can be found in Texas. Leading the charge are those found in the Dallas, Fort Worth area. Of course the many are also situated around the southern coastal area running from Houston to Galveston and down to Corpus Christi, can't be counted out either. The many Kennels in Texas, make it one of the leading producers of Pitbulls of all varieties. In Texas you will find many kennels breeding Red Nose Pitbulls. Yet predominately, Blue Pitbulls are much more numerous.
Over the years I have had the privilege of visiting Texas several times. Of course a visit to Texas would not be complete without a visit to either a University of Texas game, or to see the Dallas Cowboys in action. Of course if one is coming for a visit in the summer they will want to plan on catching either the Houston Astros or the Texas Rangers. Goes without saying, if I can come across the tickets, my favorite is to see either the TCU Horned Frogs or the Baylor Bears. Not too many spectacles of sports can top the excitement of Saturday afternoon Football in Texas.

remyline pitbull kennel

In fact I encourage you, if you are looking for a Kennel in Texas, to first spend some time learning what good conformation is and how basic good physical structure should be paramount in your choice of a Kennel to purchase from. Take a good look at Mr Pitbull brand dogs and compare to any Kennel in Texas or elsewhere and you will begin to see why so many in Texas choose Mr Pitbull. We can ship to you for a few hundred dollars and you will have your puppy the same day. So don' delay; call me.


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